Ayla hoped it could be done quickly. "This is not a normal spear," was all she could think to say. Ranec's nose and beautiful smile and Tricie's lighter skin and hair color came to mind. Maybe the stone had been given to her as a gift. And then on top of that, she would have to deal with the Madroman problem. This was just another strange and eerie event in this exceptional woman's life, he thought. "Why would Zelandonii people be interested in something like this?" When the children returned to the family's impromptu campsite and unloaded the wood, Jondalar quickly built a fire and Ayla filled a heating basket with water from a tributary stream to the lake and prepared some heating stones to make tea. Skytalker cursed him and he fell over dead. Ayla first noticed that an animal had dislodged some of the stones that had been halfheartedly placed over the grave. Ayla's close travel companions consisted of Jondalar, their children and Willamar. We are an environmentally conscious, family-orientedand pet-friendly retreat and venue. ", The southern Donier interrupted, "Did I hear you say, 'her pet cave lion'?". Father's mother was a great leader and so is Dalanar still, so it will give our child something to be proud of and to live up to, don't you think?". There was a time when I thought I should step aside and let you choose another to take my place. It had been three days now since the Zelandonii who had been in the northern country had left the Nineteenth Cave to journey further south. It was just past mid-day and the sun was directly overhead when Groog signaled a halt. At first she didn't know what the images meant, but when something would happen later that she had dreamed about, she understood that her dream image had predicted the event. "I'm afraid that I must head back to the Summer Meeting tomorrow. Apparently it is rare and hard to find. Then pulling violently at Gray's reins she whirled the animal around and galloped back toward the Ninth Cave. She indicated Jondalar's poultice covered shoulder wound, "I would uncover the wound once he has taken the medicine so it can dry.". I wish you well." Will you do that for me? The same couldn't be said about the events in the north. Ayla ran from the cave toward the valley below. "There are Five Sacred Colors. Things like that happen sometimes. I want to paint the relief, but haven't found the right moment to do it. Joharran nodded his acceptance, "Alright, so what do you suggest? There are more caves in the north than in the south and the troubles with the flatheads," and at that she looked at Ayla, "or the Clan as we now know them, will be the main issue for anyone accepting the responsibility of First Zelandoni. Ayla and Jondalar had made arrangements with Proleva and Willamar to watch Durcan while they were away. Jonayla and Cambarre had been following at a distance, having their own conversation, enjoying the quiet and leisurely pace. "Then you came along. Jonayla bedded down next to her mother, fervently wishing that she could do more to help, but as a new Acolyte, all she really could do was to offer loving support to her mother. "That is a job for the children. You will bring your Shaman here. "So who is the young man that you're interested in as the father of your babies? I 'live' this cave and I know what it should be called. I think you'll find many other people who came feel the same as us." They should try to use one, it would help their people if they knew how. Then she realized who was riding beside Cambarre. As the animal tumbled over her, knocking her backward, Ayla felt a white-hot slice along her left shoulder as the claws of one massive paw raked across it, tearing her leather tunic and digging into her flesh. The wolf will not hurt anyone and is not to be harmed." Ayla had been peeling the skins off some fresh carrots and paused for a moment holding her hand out for the eggs. "'I want your stone bowl with the snake painted on it,' replied the young man. Other than those wild men, there had been almost no interaction between the two peoples. Let his body be eaten by wild animals, none of the Chimu will morn him.". It turned out that mothers didn't want their daughters to risk having a child with a man who would not make a hearth for her. Bagba would die and someone would have to care for his aging mate. "It had been a terribly hard birthing. "I was turned out of the Clan by what I now realize was a jealous and vindictive new leader. Ayla looked down at Jondalar. Then suddenly the Zelandoni turned to him with a sense of purpose in her voice, "Rubio, would you please help us get things organized? He began hesitantly, "Mog-ur, the Others have a powerful Mog-ur who is called Ayla She is a female but more powerful than anyone I have ever seen. Not so for the Zelandoni leader. "The Sacred Mountain" begins ten years after Jean's final book and is my version of where a seventh book might have led. However, in a few minutes he heard a nicker and then saw Gray as the mare walked into camp, followed by the other two animals that naturally followed the leader. The smiles and laughter were something he was becoming used to. Now she urged Gray a little to the right, making sure as they approached the corral that the space between Cambarre and herself was closing up. She also is Zelandoni of Lance Rock Cave in her own right.". Jonayla suppressed the comeback that was on the tip of her tongue. But now that you bring it up, do you know how she is doing?" I've always worried about him. "Jonayla," Cambarre stepped up beside his mate. Please try again later. Cambarre asked in anguish. He would just have to get used to the faces these Others made. Suddenly he heard Jonayla's voice and saw her begin to struggle with her bonds; that was definitely another good sign. "We were close to unearthing a Ptarmigan nest or two and we still have to skin the wolf for its pelt. ", Ayla stood on tiptoe and kissed Jondalar on the lips. The young couple had erected their travel tent and laid out the circle of stones to contain their campfire and had even gathered wood for the fire the day before. She knew what would come next. "Yes, let's get this over with, once and for all," Joharran said. Durcan was doubly embarrassed now, knowing Willamar was smiling because of Folrian's kiss. There may be no more root left in this area and without it their memories will fade and their Clan as they know it might disappear from the earth. "Well, I will readily admit that you have learned your craft. Why have you come here at night?" But it is the explicit sex scenes (particularly in the second book) that have caused most offence. Just then one of the eagles swooped down to attack her. Ayla felt a foreboding envelop her. Taking advantage of this moment of surprise, Cambarre pulled his arm violently out of Mageb's grip and walked back to the horses, he reached down and playfully pulled a wolf ear, then he slipped the spearthrower out of its holder and loaded a bird spear into it. ", "I think it is basically because people don't know them, they look different and they have different ways. Cambarre had roused himself and had stuck his head out of the tent to see what the morning held weather-wise and noticed Jonayla standing in the stream, washing. ''He was teaching a class and I asked if I could sit in so I could observe how a stone tool maker teaches someone else to do it, because one of my characters had to do that. The chamber ceiling disappeared into the darkness so far above them that it appeared to have no limit, almost as if The Great Earth Mother might be gazing down upon the proceedings. Please Jondalar, trust me." Groog then realized; he hadn't found the leader, the leader had found him. ", "I agree with my mate, you are family and you have brought much to the community," Proleva said. Mother and daughter worked as a team, as they all did. "May your spirit go freely, go confidently. Jean Marie Auel (/al/; ne Untinen; born February 18, 1936) is an American writer who wrote the Earth's Children books, a series of novels set in prehistoric Europe that explores human activities during this time, and touches on the interactions of Cro-Magnon people with Neanderthals. She even began learning the construction of an ice cave by joining a survival class, as well as other related activities like making fire with the use of primitive methods, knapping stone and tanning leather under the guidance of Jim Riggs, who was an expert in aboriginal skills. By the end of the hunt he looked every bit as comfortable on a horse as any Zelandonii. What if they decide to become wild men too?". This is also when we begin to hunt bison, elk, deer and other large game for winter food stores. The passing of Ayla's Wolf and Whinney were both issues somewhat distressing to write, but I felt it was necessary. Jondalar wouldn't admit out loud how frightened he'd been, seeing Brukeval standing over her with hate in his eyes. Jonayla was already calculating what she would need to prepare for that journey and looking forward to showing off her little one to the friends she would not have seen over the winter. Ayla asked. There was a general murmur of agreement. There had never been a time in her life that she hadn't worshiped her mother for the exceptional human being that she was. Here, have a little more now." "Isn't this fun mother? Since the First Zelandoni had become ill, things hadn't gone well for peace in the north, a peace that had always been present in the region before this time. These 'Dream Journeys' seemed to show her images of future events. What Ayla didn't want to accept was that in cases like this a wounded man could easily lose the use of his arm, that was what usually happened, or worse, the loss of their life from suppurating corruption of the flesh. Rubio crouched at the edge of the forest, waiting. He would have to get the full story of what happened at the Zelandonia gathering before she left. ", "Good," she smiled. But she soon became more feverish and began to sweat profusely as did the child Robinar. Sacred Mountain has three unique, outdoor event spaces for your ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception. Even when she tried to ignore the implication, and constant pressure coming from her friend and leader, Ayla knew deep down inside that she must accept a more direct role in events. A herd of Bison were spotted northwest of here and a group of hunters went off to investigate." To hear stories directly from the legendary couple - first hand - would add much to his standing in the community of storytellers. He was also pleased at the obvious tension that his listeners were exhibiting. The Donier who spoke for the southerners turned to Jondalar, the handsome mate of the First Zelandoni and asked, "Has the First Zelandoni always been such an accomplished woman? "The Summer Moon comes next, (June). ", "You stay with the pups," Jondalar replied. Shura suddenly thought, what if the woman of the Others hadn't given the stones to her? Stories were circulating that their Donier had been suddenly called to make a great and important image within the cave. I wonder if that makes him different from other Clan people, being a mixture of us and Clan?" Suddenly Jonayla was there, trying to recapture the little wolf pups that were her responsibility while Durcan was away at the hunt. So she said, "Jonayla, would you hand me the eggs please?" She didn't know what to say. I assume you brought him here to tell us what he knows about the conflict in the north. That was not done. The First Zelandoni should have been the one to investigate the trouble and to work out a solution, but as she had become weaker, the journey was put off; full moon after full moon had passed. We had never even seen a flathead before he started stirring up trouble. Durcan and his friends hurried away, not liking the atmosphere and the rudeness of the adults. Durcan was above the Summer Meeting, up on the slope that everyone called Sacred Mountain. It wasn't a surprise to anyone in the group that he'd turned up involved in the conflict. What have these Others done to you? Jonayla had taken trade in future goods to be delivered next summer and Camma would make sure she was well compensated for her generosity. "That's the price one pays when mating the First Zelandoni's daughter, who is also an Acolyte," Cambarre joked. There will be more wonderful times ahead of us. Groog looked from the man to the woman and continued excitedly, "We were very angry when we realized what had happened. By the time the sun topped the horizon far away, all the people of the Clan were up and at their daily chores. Groog reached into the folds of his wrap and brought out a chunk of flint and another stone that the old Mog-ur thought looked familiar. Willamar would transport Groog on a pole-drag, trading off horses several times a day to keep them fresh. "Joharran! the boy asked, slightly out of breath looking up at the tall muscular leader. There was even a big smear on her forehead. "Flatheads have killed our people and we've killed theirs, so now it's a matter of who has the stomach to finish the job. Jonayla was suddenly fearful that she might be too late. Tears welled anew as she untied the rawhide thongs and, with her daughter's help, lifted Wolf's still body to carry him to a grassy area at the edge of the pool. If you don't want to help, at least don't work against me." It was good to be home. It turned out that both Blandar and Eyzinah had a lot of family members at South Face and within the Twenty-Ninth group of three caves so they would be secure and cared for by their family connections. To her surprise, the Zelandoni of the Third Cave volunteered to join her as did the first Donier the southerners. "I'm alright Jondalar, it's just a scratch. ", Cambarre looked in the direction that she had indicated but could see no one, then suddenly the man moved and Cambarre could see him. So I guess I'll never have children of my own," Lorala looked into the fire as she stood beside her friend. Suddenly, those at the guest hearth heard the noise of returning hunters as the camp came alive. Ayla understood that Joharran was having doubts, she wouldn't have believed it either until she ran in to the situation personally. Ayla decided that she would make a special trip back here on her way to the Nineteenth Cave's Summer Meeting place next year. What it came down to was that when all was said and done, what she really wanted was to be with Jondalar and their children, to be Jondalar's mate and helper and to be a mother to her two children. "Not all of the Zelandonii are flathead lovers like you and her," he said gesturing toward Jonayla. "Will you respect him, care for him and teach your children to respect him as befits your mate as their father and provider? What would change that in the future?" ", Ayla looked up at her daughter. There was nothing she could do that would change that. It was strange how attractive these people were to her. Bringing up the rear was Willamar with Melodene seated in front of him. Your sister and her mate have come back from their matrimonial trial time and father wanted to make sure you came home to greet them." Ayla wanted to bind the caves together, something that hadn't really been done before. Even though he knew it was rude to do so. He didn't want to shame his people and would try to contain his fear of these spirit talkers. At first Groog had claimed that his stiffly wrapped leg made it impossible to climb on to the horse, but when Jonayla showed him an easy way to mount from a pile of naturally placed boulders, he had little choice but to try. Jondalar is right, once the Zelandonii are informed about what you're doing up here, you may not like what we decide to do about it.". Although just how many, she wasn't entirely sure She would wait and see how the birth of their first child went. She was mystified. They had planned to make a base camp near the Nineteenth Cave and ford the North River the next morning with only half of their party so they would be able to live off the land rather than worrying about carrying enough food for a larger party. I stumbled across this in a google search. Jonayla knew what to do and had taken over the care of the man with the head injury. The man of the Clan had seen the children racing toward them, he had also noted that the woman had signed to them to be quiet and to take the horses away from the campsite. Ralev walked closer to the fire and looked around at the large group of people. "What what is the matter Zelandoni?" She realized she felt tired and thought that a dip in the lake would refresh her mind as well as her body. The woman who stood beside him had taken the parts of both the brother's mates and responded to Ralev's voice as if their conversation were a real one. he asked. "Very well," the Donier agreed. Maybe this would be a good thing for both people, at least for now, she thought. She couldn't know what the young man was thinking, that he was attracted to her for all of her qualities, not just because she was beautiful. She was reciting the descriptions she'd learned as an Acolyte. Who could tell? She felt as if a weight had been lifted from her. "What is it, Jondalar?" Joharran looked at Ayla gesturing toward Groog, "Maybe you could ask the Clan man to send their hunters into Long Valley to cut off anyone fleeing north into Clan territory?". What was she doing? Wrapped in her furs, she gazed upward in to the night sky and surveyed the fixed stars pinned to the cold black canopy above. At one time her Whinney had been the only friend and companion she'd had to fill the gaping loneliness in her life. A single candle provided welcome light. Ayla could see that her daughter was struggling with something, but decided to remain silent and let her either talk about it or not. They snuck away last night before the feasting was over so I'm told. Jonayla came to a halt at the edge of the assembled Zelandonii. The couple elicited surreptitious looks from the people who came near. That was thoughtful of you. His body tensed as he readied himself for confrontation. If you say anything else I'll tie a gag over your mouth! She could instantly tell that the older man beside Groog was Mog-ur. Later, as the people began to return to their summer lodges, many reflected, not for the first time, on pleasures and the birth of children. If we pace ourselves we should be back at First Place by tomorrow morning or if you want to stop during the night to rest, we'd still be there by mid-day." He's quite handsome isn't he? Would the Zelandoni insist that Star stay? She looked down wonderingly at the two small stones in her hand. Though he was physically unable to hunt, it hadn't slowed him down. These screens were blocking his view, but also blocking out those Others who had been so rude. "I trust you with my life. She wanted to get away from everyone and be alone with her daughter and Wolf, she wanted to grieve out of the sight of those who couldn't understand her loss. He just looked away, thinking, 'But she couldn't love me.'. The northern caves would take the opportunity to gather while at Summer Meeting as they would if they were in the north," Ayla said, looking at the southern Doniers. ", "I know what you mean Ayla, neither do I. He was obviously from the Spirit World, how could they even think of stopping something like this? ", "What?" The strong spirits that it contains will keep you and yours safe so long as you carry it. You know how much effort is dedicated to that.". She immediately headed back out to the outside hearth to get the hot water. They rode westward until dusk, when they found a good spot up against a bluff that would protect them from the cooler night breeze. "Are you concerned with the people's reaction to your childhood with the Clan?" Ayla signed an imperative. "No! "I see you did give away the gray female. Other Caves to the far north and far south were to meet them within ten days' time. They all wanted what had become their traditional place when the Summer Meeting was held in the Nineteenth Cave's vicinity. Her calm reasoned arguments reminded her listeners that she was the giver of Doni's gifts, the one who acted as their intermediary with The Great Earth Mother to Her children. However Durcan had been troubled by her past and the ridicule he had suffered since the existence of her Clan son had become known. Finally Cambarre said in a very soft voice, "Please Jonayla, be my mate. The Donier's from the southern holdings were more than ever interested in what was taking place with their northern brethren, they knew that there were great things stirring, they had seen the evidence with their own eyes and they wanted to be part of it. How many of his men would stay if that happened? These Others lived differently, but looking around the dwelling, he couldn't fault it. That's why you find all of us in agreement. When these Zelandonii came upon us I escaped and went with them. "Joharran or one of our hunters should have found our horses by now and will be searching for us. He silently entered the lean-to and drove his hunting knife into the man's back as deep and as hard as he could. We were all surprised because of the age difference, but they took to each other from the first. "Mother, make enough infusion so I can wash Madigan's wound too," she reminded her. Except this time his lies were tearing apart one group of people and exterminating another. "I think that we have never before had a leader like you, Zelandoni. She looked up at Tormaden and noted his look of reluctance. Now that you are First Zelandoni? She laid out her reasons again for a journey to the north. Jonayla asked. The Acolyte shivered in superstitious fear. It's a good question to ask." It looked like someone had struggled or fallen into the bushes, breaking branches. It had all been part of her life. We are a spectacle with all this blood and that cave lion," Jondalar said with concern. It was tradition to encircle the First Donier's remains with river-washed pebbles of a certain size and color to ward off harmful spirits, so why not include Wolf's ashes as extra protection. Many of the women began to pray to The Great Earth Mother for relief from the new tyrant and those who did her biding. And then Ayla came along with her new ways. Then I heard stories about these same two people from the Storytellers and I compared the stories with each other. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Jondalar put his arm around Ayla's waist and pulled her to him, hugging her close, feeling the warmth of her body next to his. They were in awe of her and her reputation. He would be traveling with them to the north. Well, if it hadn't, it would find its way back with Ralev, she thought to herself. "It is good to see you up and walking around after such a short time. 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