Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Ive put up with all kinds of temper tantrums from this veteran I know for a fact most wives will not tolerate! This has been a fifteen year odyssey, please help me if you can. 101st Airborne (Vietnam, 1967-68), Chico, Ca. These symptoms are usually caused by conditions other than a sarcoma. Estimates of the halflife of 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin in Vietnam veterans of Operation Ranch Hand. They sprayed the surrounding area as well as other places. Skin injuries similar to frostbite can occur if it is exposed to liquid chlorine Burning sensation in the nose, throat, and eyes Coughing Chest tightness Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The most recent mishap is during preparation for radiation therapy, his VA pulmonary doctor, ACCIDENTLY punctured his lungs while in the OR. Researchers have completed data collection and aim to publish initial findings in a scientific journal in 2015. He passed Oct, first check received was Feb less than three months after his death. Agent Orange was extremely deadly because the U.S. sprayed 20 times more than the manufacturer recommended in the environment. He develop diabetes and neuropathy in his 60s. Sure, he will never be cured of his ailments BUT compensation would be gratitude by our government of taking care of OUR vets. Tucson, AZ: One South Church Avenue, 12th Floor, Tucson, AZ, 85701 Make sure they do strictly va disability cases. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia vs. Is there a test to show if you are an Agent Orange victim? I was told by the VA that I couldnt get on the agent orange health registry since I didnt serve in Nam. Please President Obama. When they're combined, an unwanted byproduct -- a dioxin called TCDD -- is formed. Before we get started below, you can watch one of our videos on Agent Orange benefits right here! Why does this have to be so hard? I got home in Jan 70 and showed signs of hyper thyroid disease in October 70. Agent Orange and intergenerational effects. He has Diabetes Type 2, was recently diagnosis with Prostrate Cancer ( 6 months ago). The least we can do is support their plight and push congress to speed up the process People who are waiting years is so unfair. Past time for this to be included. Too much information, too late. Military who served there were not notified or allowed to participate in the settlement. These Veterans do not need to show that they were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides in order to get disability compensation for diseases related to Agent Orange exposure. I am still able to receive monthly cash benefits and medical. The damn carrier was on watch in theater & his DD 214 clearly states he was honorably discharged from his first & last ultimate duty station USS KITTY HAWK. A Year and a Half, jeffrey jones? After the first Gulf War, veterans with big health problems, heard the denials. the worst part is how I get judged years after its all over. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: The VA also offers survivors' benefits to spouses, dependent children, and dependent parents of veterans who died of a presumptive condition linked to Agent Orange exposure. You may first notice weakness as difficulty climbing stairs or with walking. Reduced fertility. I have been waiting three years for an answer to my appeal for the varices and for my liver damage and all I get is a stock answer from the VA. Agent Orange, a toxic herbicide, continues to affect people directly exposed to it during the Vietnam War and their children. The chemicals in the herbicide caused Agent Orange effects. The exam is free to eligible Veterans and enrollment in VA health care is not necessary. What Are the Long-Term Effects of Agent Orange? I have health issues secondary to, and as a result of my diabetes. We guide our clients through the most difficult times in their lives with courtesy, respect, and professionalism. I do know that my paternal grandfather died from liver failure; my paternal uncle passed from a brain aneurysm; my paternal grandmother died of congestive heart disease and other complications of being 94. Do to 2nd generation exposure of Agent Orange, cause there is no help in the government system for us to get. My GRIPE is, not matter how much money the VA gives him, he will never be happy again because of health condition but at least compensation for addition ailments will give us more time to enjoy whats left of his life!! In 2018, a systematic review of the long-term health effects of Agent Orange exposure in the Vietnam War concluded that there wasn't sufficient scientific evidence to confirm a link between tactical herbicide exposure and birth defects in the descendants of Vietnam veterans. mainly because of my ptsd and from a business that I thought that serves exclusively to military. The VA has a better injury-kill ratio then the enemy had. This is really Bull. Weve been waiting now since 2006 for decisions on some of my husbands health problems.Diabetes Type II, Peripheral Neuropathy, Skin problems, CAD.quadruple coronary bypass and stints.just to name a few. Health Care i was a refrigeration/air conditioning specialist in usaf. Exposure to dioxins can cause numerous health problems and diseases, such as cancer. Be prepared for a fight when you file a claim because they dont want to admit a darn thing!! Agent Orange is dangerous because it contains 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, otherwise known as TCDD. Maybehis full name We also transported and handled this stuff on our aircraft. The suit was settled out of court in 1984 with the establishment of a $180 million fund to compensate some 250,000 claimants and their families. Check out what the EPA says about that chemical you will be very suprised that you are still alive. Gurdeep S. Sareen, PharmD, is a Director of Pharmacy and Population Health. I have never had to wait more then 8 months for a claim to be processed. Exposure to the TCDD dioxin is known to have potential early-onset and long-term health effects. Weve been disconnected from close family and friends for reason of outburst PTSD they dont understand. So sorry for all you have gone through. Get a Free Case Evaluation, health care system to receive a registry health exam, Agent Orange Babies: The Effects of Agent Orange on Veteran's Offspring, Agent Orange Presumptive Benefits and Presumptive Conditions. They are apparently (conveniently) lost. Getting infections frequently. His claim was denied but I have been fighting for more than 4 years for my husband and all the soldiers that have trained at Fort Chaffee, Ark. vomiting. 2015;25(3):254-264. doi:10.1080/09603123.2014.938026. Agent Orange contains dioxin, a known carcinogen. Agent Orange was one of several herbicides used in Vietnam, the others including Agents White, Purple, Blue, Pink, and Green. Appreciate any info. Even though Agent Orange isnt actively in use or production, the effects of the toxic herbicide still affect millions of people and pose several risks to their health. (, Visitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information. Turns out that I am 70% disabled, received a lump sum tax exemption and a monthly pension as well as free medical treatment and diagnosis. During the claims process, VA will check military records to confirm exposure to Agent Orange or qualifying military service. You cant prevent Agent Orange effects after exposure to the herbicide. I was in the same boat as most everybody else by ending up with Multiple Myeloma; Diabetes (Type 2); PTSD; High Blood Pressure and all of the other problems associated with the ailments. I have been in the VA system for several years. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. I have informed them that I dont have nor have I been able to obtain the medical records, just as they have been unable to obtain them. collect your medical history from your doctors (a copy of your med. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has classified these Agent Orange-related diseases aspresumptive. Sad. yet assertive representation for our clients. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. VAs Agent Orange Registry health exam alerts Veterans to possible long-term health problems that may be related to Agent Orange exposure during their military service. VA and other Federal government Departments and agencies have conducted, and continue to conduct, extensive research evaluating the health effects of Agent Orange exposure on U.S. Veterans. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. A paternal environmental legacy: evidence for epigenetic inheritance through the male germ line. I notice all of the Cancers listed with a big exceptionColon Cancer. Navigating the Veterans Affairs bureaucracy is notoriously difficult. I, too, have NEVER been able to have children. my late husband was tdy multiply times in Thiland during the Vietnam Nam war. Bien Hoa Airbase had 2 Ranch Hand C-123s stationed there in 1970. difficulty breathing. That is that my claim is still in progress. Eligible veterans can receive an Agent Orange Registry Health Exam, free of charge. He has taken radiation treatments. I am a womens health nurse at a VA Medical Center. You do not have to submit to an Agent Orange Registry Health Exam to receive other VA benefits. Despite being 81 he was mentally sharp; terrific pain and he stopped eating and drinking to hasten his demise. 100% disabled and will never forget my brothers****SSgt leon hetnandez. These three centers assist veterans with deployment health concerns and difficult diagnoses. Wish I knew how many veterans have kids with Crohns !!! Get the recommended health screenings, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and don't smoke. I have other symptoms such as diabetes and non hodgkins lymphoma until 2013. Was it Agent Orange? Wishing they would recognize children with other health issues. San Jose, CA: 2880 Zanker Road, Ste. She has constant pain in her lower back. Dioxins and Their Effects on Human Health. Thankfully it was caught and treated, and she has gone on to have 3 children. HA! Our children both have reproductive defects, daughter with t-shaped uterus, had to have hysterectomy in 20s. Dioxin has a long half-life and stays in the body for decades. Seattle, WA: 506 2nd Ave,Suite 1400,Seattle, WA 98104. In 1984, a class-action lawsuit by over 100,000 Vietnam veterans led to the Agent Orange Act of 1991 and presumptive disability benefits for those exposed to it herbicide during military service. Cleveland Clinic Community Care puts patients first by offering comprehensive, coordinated, personalized healthcare. There is no obligation to do so. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Military Exposure Related Health Concerns, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations), exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides, birth defects in children of Vietnam and Korea Veterans, Call TTY if you The most common birth defect caused by Agent Orange is spina bifida. One type of cancer it can cause is chronic lymphocytic leukemia Does he have a website. What about us? WebThe following Agent Orange side effects are considered presumptive by VA: AL Amyloidosis Bladder Cancer Chronic B-cell Leukemias Chloracne Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Hodgkin's disease Hypertension Hypothyroidism Ischemic Heart Disease Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance Multiple Myeloma Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma This was so bad for so many and still effects many still today.. My dad and uncle were there in 65-68 and my uncle died 4 years ago from AO I hope my aunt see this and gets what she has coming to her as I know the VA was taking care of him but not sure to how much. Pittsburgh, PA: 201 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 400, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235 I believe they need to look deeper into medical issues with children of all vets who served during that time. My dad has ao, just diagnosed with cancer. WebAgent Orange is a mixture of two active chemicals. blue water navy here on board the Robert k hunington dd781 we cooked washed with agent orange water I have chest pain dibeties type 2 when will the v help us. Birth defects linked to Agent Orange. These three centers assist veterans with deployment health concerns and difficult diagnoses. Thank you. Even my parents, family, relatives. However, the Veterans Administration (VA) has an Agent Orange Registry health exam that alerts veterans of possible long-term "presumptive" health issues that are linked to Agent Orange exposure during someone's military service. I recently made a claim for the lung cancer and letter of denial dur to compensated already is the decision. We are sorry that this post was not as useful for you! You have a health conditioncaused by Agent Orange exposure. I have had reproductive issues. Colon Cancer kills just as effectively as any other Cancer. OJSS. Why is this? I applied for VA benefits for children born with birth defects and was denied. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. There is an undiagnosed illness associated with Agent Orange that includes symptoms such as: Fatigue Rashes Headaches Muscle pain Joint pain Respiratory Year 1989, Paul took his vacation that he never been use since he was joined in Military services. Was in RVN form 7/65- 7/66, mostly at Danang at Monkey Mountain in 603d AC&W Sqdn. Veterans and Agent Orange. I do not acknowledge nor agree with the so called academic Doctors qualifications as expert who has ZERO authority over my body to say I do or do not have a body-skin condition since 1967. It contains dioxin, a toxic chemical that can cause a, Service connection may be presumed for residuals of exposure to Agent Orange for veterans who, during active military, naval, or air force, served in the Republic of Vietnam (The Vietnam, Agent Orange was an herbicide that the United States military used during the Vietnam War. all I know is I was a healthy 19 rear old when I was drafted but came home and got sick.. a high percentage of viet nam soldiers are just included with todays todays army. Although exposure to Agent Orange is linked to serious health complications and possible birth defects in Vietnam veterans and babies exposed to dioxin in the womb, there isn't a scientific consensus about its intergenerational effects. 1989;27(2):165-171. doi:10.1080/15287398909531288. Prior on C-141A flying in and out of there 66-68. How has Agent Orange affected Vietnamese people? Infection can spread to the testicles and the tube that carries sperm to your testicles (epididymis), causing symptoms like pain, swelling and tenderness in your testicles. Im glad he gets all of his medical care at the VA hospital in Topeka KS, but for me and my siblings, do not get help. The exact number of people exposed to Agent Orange from 1962 to 1971 is unknown. Get more resources at and all of the soldiers that will train there in the future including my grandson. She has been sick so much in her life time. Compensation is based on the condition, its severity (defined according to standard VA tables and physicians guides), and your familial status. Because dioxins have a long half-life (seven to 11 years), they can stay in the body or contaminate food-providing soil and water for decades. Clarify how you will be screened for any potential problem. Speech problems (dysarthria) A study published in a peer-reviewed medical or scientific journal may be acceptable. I have had a total hysterectomy due to ovarian cancer. Parkinsons Before making statistical adjustments for risk of death, demographic variables, and medical and psychiatric conditions, veterans with Agent Orange exposure were about twice as likely to be diagnosed with dementia1,918 of 38,121, or 5 percentcompared with non-exposed vets: 6,886 of 278,230, or 2 percent. I met him a year after he came home from serving aboard a destroyer during the war. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: What Are the Differences? Hill & Ponton P.A. Hello. VA has recognized certain cancers and other health problems as presumptive diseases associated with exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service. He was a navigator on a KC135. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1994. If your service dates and duty stations qualify, these are the medical conditions that qualify for presumptive status. Updated: November 7, 2022. (C) in the a-shau valley in 1969. Absorbing it through your eyes, mouth or breaks in your skin while the chemicals were in the air. One of them have had breast cancer with no family histoy. As a retired ultra-endurance triathlete turned medical writer, Chris brings the same passion and commitment to science-based journalism as he did to running, biking, and swimming extraordinary distances. I truly feel you should be covered for your losses.. visit for more resources. C-123 crewmen and maintenance airmen may also qualify if they worked on C-123 planes between 1969 and 1986. It is carcinogenic to humans, meaning that it can cause cancer. Many U.S., Australian, and New Zealand servicemen who suffered long exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam later developed a number of cancers and other health disorders. This occurs because the herbicide damaged the parents reproductive organs and cells, which affects the growth and development of their biological children. I have often wondered if AO effects mens reproductive organs what does it do to womens. By Christopher Bergland Why wont the US Government cover her? Tragically, exposure to Agent Orange and TCDD dioxins is associated with birth defects in exposed veterans children. I have had prostate problems since being assigned to Avon Park. Agent Orange (dioxin) was a plant-killing herbicide and defoliant used in the Vietnam War from 19621971. Numbness, prickly or tingling feeling in your hands and feet. Agent Orange and other herbicides used in Vietnam were used, tested or stored elsewhere, including some military bases in the United States. I will probably loose my father soon & he is so young, 66 yo. Served in Vietnam, Korean demilitarized zones or at Air Force bases in Thailand. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. Skin changes, including easy bruising, thickening and dark or purple patches around eyes. Filed in June 06. VA presumes Lou Gehrig's Disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS) diagnosed in all Veterans who had 90 days or more continuous active military service is related to their service, although ALS is not related to Agent Orange exposure. What about the pyristomine bromide test done on us in the 80 and 90s at various Air Force basesthe bromide destroyed our endocrine systems. TCDD is the most dangerous of these compounds. I am 36 years old and my father served in vietnam. These include slow movements, trouble speaking, stiff muscles, or tremors. If a womans eggs could be affected why cant the sperm be? I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in December 2013, attributable to exposure to Agent Orange. One of the issues is bleeding varices in my esophagus. That. you need to go to your american legion and have them file a claim. You can file a disability claim online using VA Form 21-526EZ (Application for Disability Compensation and Related Compensation Benefits). Now I, along with many others, are paying the price! Former President Reagan, Honored them a Medal, To what they than in battle ship, yrs. Find a good attorney if y0u are in appeal process !! Secure .gov websites use HTTPS He died in 1986 when I was 7 due to cancer. Now 2015 he needs to get surgery again. Washington, D.C.: 1776 I Street, NW, 9th Floor, Washington, D.C 20006 Plant-Killing herbicide and defoliant used in the settlement we are sorry that this post was not as for... 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